A (now open?) letter to a friend; broadly apropos ergo...I publish! / by Cliff McCormick


I love the oboe; its keening.



Hey guys!

Opening night was...fantastic. The cast at that point had been going full clip..(looong 10 plus hour days) for I think...7 or 9 days straight? ... and then we opened.

And my did we rally. *grin* It was ... truly exceptional. All of the various benefactors went away thrilled/pleased/happy/content/etc...which made Dennis (director) happy...which made...everyone....happy. HA!

There was a neat little gala afterward and I got to meet some really interesting people and received some (frankly daunting) but great compliments and various word of encouragement and delight.

As for the present; we grow, we refine and we hone our performance/craft and all the little moments that comprise the whole. We're getting better. *grin* Falling into a rhythm I think, and fighting complacency and "laurel resting" in general...trying to keep sharp...push push...invest more...question more...understand and be still.....and of course..surrender to the truths in these moments in the show.

From the feral convict in the beginning....(I've toyed in my mind...with having Valjean not understand the language...certainly not the written word...on his "yellow ticket of leave" he receives from JAvert in the beginning.....I ...found one night...I looked at it...and I saw 2 things at the top it says..."Jean Valjean" under that "24601" and when I look at the paper...at the top...I ... see myself...seeing and understanding only 2 things on that paper...the name..and the number...

and then...the "who am I? " ( he's been imprisoned @ this point for 19 years...hard labor..and no identity - Javert's refusal to call him by name...just the number)....question from later in the show has a ..solid foundation of "experience" to draw from...a "memory of Valjean's" that...allows me..to...react/and be...truthfully...

I like questions...and I like truth...I ask questions..and (hopefully) define the faint outlines of something...that is at the least honest..if not objectively "true"...???....and I build.../ am..filled with..memories...from other people. In this case valjean... I foster unbidden thoughts from the "ether of (sub/omni/anti??..conciousness" *grin*....I examine them...I explore them...these little...."mind movies" that I see when these memories emerge..

One was a short clip...dusty feet in chains...and the thought of placing a rock underneath it..and dashing the chain with another rock to break it...to flee...

I try to...understand..flow..go...know...no...? ... surrender..


So..that's whats going on...in part...ha!

I'm playing guitar when I can...writing some neat things.

READING READING READING..."The Art of War" (Sun Tzu)...Book of five rings...almost done with Huston Smiths "The Worlds Religions"...I Ching...finished "Steppenwolf" by Hesse...(f-ing brilliant)....Read "All My Sons" (arthur miller_ twice..

doing yoga...running..and shadow boxing most evenings...and/or during the day before evening shows...or...at 2AM

I discovered a VHS in the cabin of a Scorsese film called "Kundun" (I think)...looks ...exceedingly apropos given my present preoccupation with similar subjects...? heh...

Lots..of alone time.
I shop late often.
I listen to Sam Cooke. (*grin* damn...)
I'm honing my craft.
I'm seeking me.
I'm trying to be still- fully inhabiting now.
I've begun dreaming again. (kinda neat)

I play. I surrender. I follow a way beyond a way....singing...tea...questions..doubt...daunted, I follow & lead..unerringly lost/guided and true...I let these footsteps fall where they may...

Let it land...guide it well with mindfulness..positive self regard...truth...

humming a tune...humming a tune...


follow it free...

"with someone you love so" why?

Like sam says..cause thats where its at ...*grin* Good enough for now...good enough for (any) me...any moment...always free...