re: Drought & the potential for residental, closed-circuit water treatment: "water micro-grids" by Cliff McCormick

I'm really excited about Janicki Bioenergy -- they are developing bio/solar powered "micro-water grids."

Kinda like how Tesla Motors, in partnership with SolarCity ,are producing "micro-grids" for residential and commercial use.

Renewable, green; storeable - solar energy. *grin*

There are obviously causes for excitement from technological and economic perspectives; but given California's drought -- a "closed," water-storage, filtration, and treatment system, is an imperative.

Re: things like -- photovoltaic powered pumps/compressors; residents could construct mini-towers/water tanks; or *cough* -- re-purpose swimming pools - novel idea (.) and a compelling starting point for a lucrative market that will be necessary/desired.

Turn "swimming pools" into storage for a single-residence, closed-circuit water treatment/processing system; a system with the foot print of a garden-shed or two -- powered by the sun and a Tesla pack. ‪#‎californiadroughtidea‬


The virtue of a system like this other than; retention of California property values; *cough* *pause* #seewhatididthere ? -- is that residents could respond to the continuing drought in a compelling, pro-active and life-sustaining way -- closed systems would allow far far more refinement in efficiency; via active monitoring and feed-back. You will certainly lose water over time to a general sort of attrition *grin*, respiration and sanitation chief contributors; though this is one reason why Janicki Bioenergy is so compelling; they integrate sewage treatment into their system. --Long story short -- every home would do their own water treatment; and they'd pay a monthly? or quarterly? bill to "top off" their system (provided it hasn't rained enough; or they lack sufficiently large personal reservoirs) -- #droughtidea

Re: The RubAIyat of Omar Khayyam by Cliff McCormick

"I often wonder what the vintners buy
One half so precious as the stuff they sell"

-Omar Khayyam (Rubaiyat)


I highly recommend the "Fitzgerald translations" they are most often sold (now) as a set. There are 5. The first 3 translations are "appreciably different" -- the starkest contrast being between translations 1 & 2 probably; because between the two, there are a few (maybe between 12-4???) verses that aren't reprinted elsewhere. Meaning, in order to read all of the actual "stanzas"/existent verses -- you have to at least read the first 2 translations, and probably the 3rd as well. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th, are largely identical, save for a few tweaks to the verbiage for sake of fidelity to translation/re-working, and almost certainly to elicit the most "ring" from the lines themselves. The translation of Khayyam's work became his life's work. Edward Fitzgerald was born into wealth. Languished in his mind, and in the finer academic institutions of 19th century England. He did not live as his wealth would permit. He stayed largely in cottages and with friends. He was kindly remembered and liked . -- Its a masterwork for both men. If Fitzgerald had not stumbled upon these esoteric texts, and set himself to becoming a master of the language (eventually producing one of (arguably?) the finest English translations of an Arabic text.-- in his time, to even begin the work of translation; understanding the disparate and far flung existent scraps of text such as they were, would require a decade -- If he had not done this, for whatever his reasons, we almost certainly wouldn't even know the work exists. He would work on the Rubaiyat for the majority of his life; producing his five translations. *grin* -- Omar Khayyam -- epic guy; mellow *grin* . Was a philosopher, a poet, a mathematician, an astronomer, a man, and a "tent-maker." He lived about 1,000 years ago in what is today, Iran.

A Dream - Of Morning : April 21, 2013 by Cliff McCormick

This is going to sound odd but...

I want to sleep at an old bed and breakfast with musty rooms, dark closets, discolored pillows and dusty drapery.... and a kind, live-in hostess.

I want it to be on the shores of some body of water just north of the bay.

I want to sleep, and wake before the sunrise.

I want to wake up...stretch...shower...and walk outside with a light jacket on.

I want the air to almost hurt.

I hear my footsteps on gravel. Quiet, small round stones roll, and grittily murmur underfoot.

I hear the water chuckle and fold.


It's probably got a red head. Like the one I saw on the fence.


I exhale and my breath billows before me, encircling itself; fractal; fragile.


I walk to the water.

There is orange.
There is pink.
There is purple.
There is fire.
There is small.
There is temporary.
There is all.
There is none.

Here you are

How are you!

How are you?

It is good to see you.

I have missed you very much.

I h...

It's warm; face compressed into the comfortably warm down of my pillow.

It's too bright.

The drapes are wrong.

They are not dusty, they are not heavy.

They are not .. maroon.

Is it a penny?

I inhale. 'One day I will know silence.'

I should stretch today.....

Coffee...mmm...hazelnut creme?..


coconut oil nut oil.

"A Dream: Of Morning" April, 21 2013



excerpt from exchange re: 3D-Printed Photovoltaic "concentrators" by Cliff McCormick

cliffmccormick | February 16, 2015

Regardless the writing is on the wall.

And the more resistance (in places like Florida and Texas, that are being held up legislatively (oil money; purchased politicians; because it certainly isn't economics and public sentiment holding adoption of residential solar back) the more it will engender enthusiastic advocacy for COMPLETE grid independence; which is ultimately inevitable as well; to the great good of all.

One way or the other; as the great Sam Cooke once observed "change is gonna come"


You guys hear about the new 3d printed solar concentrating domes? Basically...instead of having a racking system that shifts the panels east/west to track the sun and raise total efficiency...they've found that you basically put a little dome over the solar cell and have it redirect incoming light at oblique angles...and for equal efficiency you'd have to move the panel something like a centimeter all day...but ever barring that movement....this recent advance alone is a HUGE boost, because this allows residential markets access to drastically improved efficiencies without needing to install much heavier moving "frames/racks"

Exciting times!!!

grega | February 16, 2015

Hadn't heard about that. Doubling solar efficiency is good, but I think adding moving parts will be an issue. Found the paper "Wide-angle planar microtracking for quasi-static microcell concentrating photovoltaics" 5 Feb 2015.

There's a good article at

cliffmccormick | February 16, 2015

Exactly! These new "domes/concentrators" remove the need for movement. It relies on natural properties of the propagation of light via "synthetic" medium "glass/silicate." A solution Einstein would almost certainly approve of, at least in that it is simple, ergo elegant; beautiful.

OR: don't move the panel; move the light.


little printed domes; instant upgrade. HA!

grega | February 16, 2015

Actually they do still move.
Essentially the little domes focus the light to a small point. A high quality solar cell then sits at that point and generates power. As the sun moves, the focal point moves, so the backing sheet of solar cells has to move slightly to stay in the focused sunlight. It has a lubricant in the sheet to ensure it moves smoothly.

It seems for now that this is most useful for smaller roofs that want more solar panels but can't fit them - this provides up to double the power. A great step forward but with a few catches.

cliffmccormick | February 17, 2015

HA! Thank you for the explanation; that makes perfect sense. The k-energy imparted to the "receptor cell" from incoming light will be sufficient to actually move it across a synthetic medium; "grease"; allowing optimal angular orientation of the "cell" with respect to the redirected light, "emitted" from the "lens" above. Allowing for optimal "input" more consistently.

Wonder if they've considered forgoing the motion; "locking" cell orientation and creating a "ring" cell; with tailored optimal surfaces/frequencies that light responds to? Curve the cell to accommodate the "arc of light."

Or so I freely speculate. *grin* HA!

Cheers grega!

cliffmccormick | February 17, 2015 new

Important considerations:

Presenting varying ratios of cells optimized in "polar" orientation with respect to the light spectrum; after traversing a bi-layer (ring) translucent cell (twice) considering it will refract off the curved- (hollow sphere)mirror situated at the bottom of the "cell well;" giving energy not caught on "pass one" the opportunity to be absorbed on the opposing sides of the "ring" it traversed on first entering the cell chamber.

Or some approximation thereof!?

Re: Global drought (California/Texas/Brazil) - Solar Powered Desalination by Cliff McCormick


Let's get building! (3D printing)

See now THAT should be the future of "global oil"...use the capital acquired from fossil fuels; NOT the fossil fuels; the profit that hitherto has been generated. And apply ALL of it to the next "THING EVERYONE NEEDS" -- NO ONE can match that AAPL's "cash on hand" is a joke compared to what oil has done.

THEY are uniquely qualified/capable; really the ONLY ones; who could MAKE clean accessible water happen..AND do something about rising water levels to boot??? AND generate incredible profits that people will CHEER ON! Because every plant you bring on line is more FOOD and water and LIFE to people.

AND...have a forward looking revenue stream; superior to OIL; because you can establish the infrastructure and rendering "islanding" largely moot; because you offer the cost advantage; you can CREATE/SET the market...but you can do it clean; AND you can be a hero; AND you've got GUARANTEED GROWTH for the next 30+ YEARS!!!


I'd be honored to help.



A note on general inquiry: by Cliff McCormick

A note on general inquiry: most texts are derivative works. This is interesting; because, almost like an inverted pyramid; or flashlight; one work, like Albert Einstein’s “Relativity” (published 1905/16) serves as the primary foundation for several subsequent works/fields/areas of relevant scientific inquiry. So; reading a “primary source” (of sorts) like Einstein’s Relativity; yields; arguably (arguably definitely) more, than reading a derivative.


Harvard Classics (Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius etc) Vol II. For “Greek Philosophy” (an excellent investment in your time and future to read; plus its wonderful; my favorite section ended up being the “Golden Sayings”…written by a former slave; released in his old age; named Epictetus. Yeah; the origin of epic; and if not – should be. *grin*

Which is to say, that if one wanted to learn exponentially, in several disciplines, (thereby drastically improving every “Tomorrow” metric one could endeavor to quantify) one would focus first on reading  “primary sources”  in major disciplines for a year or two.

Like...Philosophy, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, History


This would allow an individual to hone and discover their interests and pursuits; majors, goals, ideas and conceptions of who one could be; futures one could aspire to assume.

Better informed choices.

Education is essential.

A primary endeavor.

It allows more.


Scientia Potentia Est


Excerpt from an online exchange today by Cliff McCormick

cliffmccormick | February 13, 2015


Is it your contention that every choice made by capitalists has been in the best interest of the planet and its people?

That there are NO ill effects of the unbridled pursuit of the bottom line?

There are not massive, as of yet, unquantified repercussions of the decisions of business interests vis-a-vis OUR oceans.

Are you suggesting that there is not ample evidence to suggest that there are better more equitable means/methods/philosophies for a more equitable AND profitable distribution; means of access to things like healthcare and education?

If your argument is that the world is NOT at present a smoldering untenable ruin; you are correct; if however you seek to argue that the trajectory set by the most ardent and successful of our worlds capitalists up to present has not exacted a cost that must be borne by all involved (oddly socialist no? Privatized the profits, but share the dying oceans...sounds wal-mart to me! *grin*)

I swore I'd not engage in these debate again, silly; an education fills in these blanks sufficiently; empowering choice; many CHOOSE to call red cubes green triangles; in which case, nothing can be done; and for that I am alternately disappointed and grateful.

Ahh humanity!

Regardless, I hope this finds you very well!

Cheers (redacted)


grid parity re: solar power *grin* by Cliff McCormick

I read an article from that dealt with the subject of solar technology reaching what is referred to as “grid parity.” The “grid” part of “grid parity” refers to the electric grid; the network; physical infrastructure, that supports and delivers electric power to the homes, institutions and businesses of a given country. Parity, is a reference to the relative cost equivalence of disparate energy sources, in this case, fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas versus photovoltaics; solar power.
I find this article and subject compelling from several perspectives. Chiefly among these are the economic implications vis-à-vis the transition from oil; the impact on personal sovereignty financially, ergo socially and geographically; and the woefully understated and ill-appraised boon that it represents to nature.

Some highlights from the article:

- “-it’s a technology, not a fuel. As such, efficiency increases and prices fall as time goes on.”

- “solar will soon reach price parity with conventional electricity in well over half the nation: 36 states”

- “Solar has already reached grid parity in 10 states that are responsible for 90 percent of U.S. solar electricity production.”

- Solar will be the world’s biggest single source of electricity by 2050

These advances in renewable, clean, energy production, coupled with commensurate gains in stationary energy storage (batteries) represent a profound opportunity to alter the literal and metaphorical trajectory of our species in nearly every metric. In the brief and common parlance of certain ‘citizens’ of our increasingly Socratic world: I am excite.

Random recollections and other instigations of Einstein via late-night perusings of "Relativity" #PartIIChapterTwenty re: equality of inertial and gravitational mass by Cliff McCormick

What if consciousness was not a local phenomenon? If was a constituent of an uber-consciousness; something like a God.

It would explain some things.

Ghosts; a flickering; a synapse in a distant mind searching for a piece of what/where/who/when it "was." Elephants' "generational memory." Past-life regression. ESP. Deja vu. Near death experiences (could be an amalgam of the consciousness of the local observers);static..filling in a blank. It would explain super-position it would be an elegant explanation for exotic aspects of string theory, multi-dimensionality, parallel timelines...the concept of an afterlife/death becomes a return; the unboxing/revealing of Schrodinger's Cat...the Gordian Knot of seeming paradox unraveled..every observed logical inconsistency revealed to be just that..and unified in the process; a harmony of discord ... etc... etc... The way things just seem to, "work cuz"...the order in the chaos. And what closer analogue to this perfectly dis-;ordered world..than a mind. The dreamings/musings of a God. A singularity. The observer. Om. The one in all. Tao. Wu. ..... What if consciousness was not a local phenomenon? --- in other news..Hamlet is wonderful. And Hermann Hesse leaves many a bee sans its knees. Tally ho.

...he rambled to himself... by Cliff McCormick

Fiercely fall from dream to dream
while fallow phantoms feebly sing
of secrets locked in silence keen;
watches tick; the seconds ring
living li(v)es not as they seem
these fetters follow found'ring flings
the edges lost nigh penumbras gleam
stumblingly exit unmarked; unseen.


A (now open?) letter to a friend; broadly apropos ergo...I publish! by Cliff McCormick

I love the oboe; its keening.



Hey guys!

Opening night was...fantastic. The cast at that point had been going full clip..(looong 10 plus hour days) for I think...7 or 9 days straight? ... and then we opened.

And my did we rally. *grin* It was ... truly exceptional. All of the various benefactors went away thrilled/pleased/happy/content/etc...which made Dennis (director) happy...which made...everyone....happy. HA!

There was a neat little gala afterward and I got to meet some really interesting people and received some (frankly daunting) but great compliments and various word of encouragement and delight.

As for the present; we grow, we refine and we hone our performance/craft and all the little moments that comprise the whole. We're getting better. *grin* Falling into a rhythm I think, and fighting complacency and "laurel resting" in general...trying to keep sharp...push push...invest more...question more...understand and be still.....and of course..surrender to the truths in these moments in the show.

From the feral convict in the beginning....(I've toyed in my mind...with having Valjean not understand the language...certainly not the written word...on his "yellow ticket of leave" he receives from JAvert in the beginning.....I ...found one night...I looked at it...and I saw 2 things at the top it says..."Jean Valjean" under that "24601" and when I look at the the top...I ... see myself...seeing and understanding only 2 things on that paper...the name..and the number...

and then...the "who am I? " ( he's been imprisoned @ this point for 19 years...hard labor..and no identity - Javert's refusal to call him by name...just the number)....question from later in the show has a ..solid foundation of "experience" to draw from...a "memory of Valjean's" that...allows be...truthfully...

I like questions...and I like truth...I ask questions..and (hopefully) define the faint outlines of something...that is at the least honest..if not objectively "true"...???....and I build.../ am..filled with..memories...from other people. In this case valjean... I foster unbidden thoughts from the "ether of (sub/omni/anti??..conciousness" *grin*....I examine them...I explore them...these little...."mind movies" that I see when these memories emerge..

One was a short clip...dusty feet in chains...and the thought of placing a rock underneath it..and dashing the chain with another rock to break flee...

I try ... surrender..


So..that's whats going part...ha!

I'm playing guitar when I can...writing some neat things.

READING READING READING..."The Art of War" (Sun Tzu)...Book of five rings...almost done with Huston Smiths "The Worlds Religions"...I Ching...finished "Steppenwolf" by Hesse...(f-ing brilliant)....Read "All My Sons" (arthur miller_ twice..

doing yoga...running..and shadow boxing most evenings...and/or during the day before evening 2AM

I discovered a VHS in the cabin of a Scorsese film called "Kundun" (I think)...looks ...exceedingly apropos given my present preoccupation with similar subjects...? heh...

Lots..of alone time.
I shop late often.
I listen to Sam Cooke. (*grin* damn...)
I'm honing my craft.
I'm seeking me.
I'm trying to be still- fully inhabiting now.
I've begun dreaming again. (kinda neat)

I play. I surrender. I follow a way beyond a way....singing...tea...questions..doubt...daunted, I follow & lead..unerringly lost/guided and true...I let these footsteps fall where they may...

Let it it well with mindfulness..positive self regard...truth...

humming a tune...humming a tune...

follow it free...

"with someone you love so" why?

Like sam says..cause thats where its at ...*grin* Good enough for now...good enough for (any) me...any moment...always free...


Les Miserables... by Cliff McCormick

We are well. *grin* I continue to be blown away by this assemblage of talent... It's an honor...privilege..and live this experience with these people...

and you take it home with you...

sometimes...just before I nod off to sleep something from the theatre will just pop into my hearing Eric (of Jon Mahlum fame) in my head say....something like..

"GaRvoche?...has...has anyone seen GaRvoche? - lucky ladies? And WHAT IS all that rumpus??" (...backstage in the dressing room) *grin* And I cannot, but smile...

I ...need lots of sleep..

 I'd like to be at the cast picnic today.....but I've a duty to heed and all that..right? And lots of not talking to do.

And now..a picture or two..


come see us in Sonora!




One of my favorite came to mind today. by Cliff McCormick

This quote  was on my mind today.... It's from Wind In The Willows (I watched the Rankin/Bass version ALOT when I was growing up...loved it. *grin*)

I had a day full of awesome... Powerful choices. Living fully; loving; my dream.

Surrounded by incredible people. You are incredible Marcus...I believe in you.



"The days pass, and never return, and the South still waits for you. Take the Adventure, heed the call now, ere the irrevocable moment passes! "Tis but a banging of the door behind you, one step forward, and you are out of the old life and into the new! Then some day, some day long hence, come home here if you will, when the cup has been drained and the play has been played, and sit down by your quiet river with a store of goodly memories for company...."

– Wind In The Willows



Lao Tzu is epic:an excerpt from a late night read by Cliff McCormick "tao te ching"...

As I was discussing with my friend Mischa earlier today (THANK YOU Mischa, for your friendship, your council and your example. Great day.)...great literary works are generally considered so because they have withstood the "ultimate test;" "time"

So...if time is an indicator of "quality" or merit or what have you. .. then the "tao" qualifies..... this old book..there is a reference to an "old saying." that just...stands alone in the text.

I figure if a guy like Lao Tzu goes..."oh yeah..and I heard this once. It's kinda important" might be important....and I might be served by giving it some thought from time to time....when I'm not busy...playing with a puppy or something.


"Surrender brings perfection."


Broadly, and with deliberate generality: if one did in theory surrender to their best effort/self....good things..just might result...or so I speculate.

I had a good day.